I rarely use my blog anymore to get on a soapbox to proclaim a film or documentary as must-see viewing while being classified as a great film; not any more than Roger Ebert would send viewers to see Showgirls to see great screenwriting at work. That being said, I want to take this brief blog to draw your attention to Academy Award winner, Inside Job. No, not the Spike Lee joint.
This documentary presents the facts behind the scandalous collapse of major corporations who used the trust of the American people and a system devoid of regulations to fleece the country, then cause the largest meltdown of the Great Depression.The doc also ties together the infiltration of government by these corporations, and the links to renowned academia. I don't want to say too much, mainly so you can experience the outrage for yourself.
I have attempted through social media to help spread the word regarding our standing in this limping economy, as well as help those confused by Occupy Wall Street to understand what they really want accomplished. This film helps explain indirectly what has created this movement, and defined their demands. I ask anyone to keep an open mind as they watch, as there can appear to be a one-sided view of the events. Do not be fooled: there is no conjecture here: Inside Job is a factual retelling of events, not a Michael Moore-esque propaganda machine. To ignore these facts and interviews is to ignore reality itself. This isn't OJ trying on shrunken gloves; here the gloves fit all hands involved.