Well, it's almost time for New Year's Eve. For those of us in the service industry, this is a night we dread almost as much as if we were not working and among the throngs of over-intoxicated swarms who spill out of parties in the middle of the night and terrorize our locals. So in honor of them, here are some party films which are worth watching if you decide to be safe and stay home, only imagining what could have, but most likely, would not have occurred had you ventured out.
Cloverfield: I love this movie. I know, I'm in a minority, but it holds a special place in my heart as it tugged at my post-9/11 stress disorder quite effectively. My buddy Stu and I walked out of the theater with the urge to run through Manhattan's cold, dark streets. And with a mutual hatred of house parties. The characters are perfect as vapid, grating Manhattanites caught trapped between their own vapidness and a giant tentacled monster. Great monster movie. The party scene will remind you why you stay in Brooklyn!
Night of the Demons: I love this terrible 80's film. Six kids get together on Halloween to raid an abandoned mansion, and find it more haunted than their libidos. Watch really bad dance numbers, grisly yet awful death scenes, and a heroine that will bore you into sheer disdain! Watch as the poor man's Richard Grieco (I know, wasn't he the poor man's somebody or other?!?) plods through the film as the worst tough guy in history! You'll love it!
The Vampire Happening: What happens when you cast a Playboy playmate in a madcap 70's comedy about vampires, with Dracula veteran Ferdy Mayne and a really strange over-the-top flamboyant gay man! Nothing good! Goofy sidekicks and horny vampire priests only further harm the viewer as they wait for the next breast flash! Watch if you dare!
Love At First Bite: No one parties like George Fucking Hamilton! This film is funny for those who love campy 70's comedy (e.g.The Vampire Happening, if it were funny ). This is the palest Hamilton ever was in his life, and thought the film doesn't quite hold up so well to modern comedic sensibility, I still love it for its brazen cheesiness, and can watch it over and over again...with the right medication, of course.
I thought Richard Grieco was the poor man's Johnny Depp? At least from Jump Street days.