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Thursday, March 3, 2011

This Is Unfortunate.

So I was rifling through them there internets, and found this gem.

This saddens me. If you haven't seen the original (there are few people who haven't by now) , you might be excited to hear this. I caution you, this will not be good, as recent history suggests. Here are names of some recent films which were either remakes or unnecessary prequels/sequels: Tron: Legacy, Amityville Horror, The Hills Have Eyes 1 and 2, Pirahna 3D, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(with prequel), TWO Exorcist prequels with almost identical scripts, House of Wax, The Wicker Man, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween 1 and 2, The Star Wars prequels...I really can keep going. What do these films have in common besides their SciFi/Horror classifications? THEY ALL ROYALLY SUCKED. Hollywood has run out of original ideas, mainly because studios work from the same pool of writers. When an original writer is given opportunity( Diablo Cody is a good example), they are forced to abide by Hollywood's rules, adding old tropes, dumbing down dialogue, characters, and creating utter crap(see Jennifer's Body). Ok, so it DOES give me more bad films to watch; but these are the kinds of films that are so bad, they're just downright painful. So the Blade Runner sequel is just, to me, one more bad rehash with glossy effects and no worth. I'm gonna go throw on Mega Piranha.

1 comment:

  1. Prequel to Alien coming, too. Wonder how they will squeeze Weaver in that one (I vote for time traveling clone spore). But at least we get to see the huge alien astronaut that was a corpse from the first flick.

