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Friday, February 25, 2011

The Nightmare On Elm Street Remake

I have a pet peeve. Uninspired, poorly conceived, over-budgeted remakes of films, which in many cases were genuinely entertaining reels of pure charm that didn't require retooling. The Wicker Man immediately comes to mind (though watching Nickie Cage punch a woman and stealing her bike while wearing a bear suit holds a small space in my heart). I watched the new Nightmare the other day, and it's taken time to make any impression in me at all. Those of you who know me also understand that leaving me befuddled is quite difficult, so suffice it to say, Congrats on confusing me! Now level-headed, I can safely say that this film shouldn't have been made. It stars Jackie Earle Haley as the new Freddy, and some teens. This film bored the shit out of me, not because of a lack of gore, but a lack of ANYTHING. It's a car slowly rolling down a slightly inclined empty street. When and if it finally picks up steam, who gives a fuck. Haley does his best Rorschack again, with a preposterous mask. Note to Hollywood: learn from the Chucky films. If you want people to laugh at your villain, make him noticeably shorter than his victims. It's hilarious. Haley looks about three feet tall. Watch Elm St #3 instead, there's lots to like this!

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